Monday, February 24, 2014

Oral Presentation

- activities included
- speak clearly and loudly
- face the class
- work in pairs
- well prepared and organized
- be on time
- keep topics interesting
- motivate students

Toilet Paper Talk - Game

- increase speaking/listening.
- tell student to take as much toilet paper as they need.
- for/each square the student says an interesting fact about themselves.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gallery Walk

  • Students put work on top of class.
  • Students walk around classroom to see classmates work. 

Mystery Bag: Speaking activity

- one person looks in the bag and answers yes or no questions.
- the remainder of the class ask the questions.

Do it a paper?
Is it plastic?

Do it stone?

Do the bag empty?

Charades - acting out language

  • fixing a car
  • running a race
  • unwrapping a present
  • brushing your teeth
  • washing clothes 
  • driving a bus
  • laughing at joke
  • cooking food
  • shooting an arrow
  • wrestling a wrestler
  • buying some groceries
  • singing a song
  • lighting a candle
  • painting a picture
  • sewing clothes
  • starting a fire
  • hanging a picture
  • driving a car
  • painting a wall
  • sweeping the floor
  • washing dishes
  • chopping some wood
  • zippering your coat

Four corners

- for listening and comprehension
- for speaking and listening

       Disagree        <------         Agree
             |                                      |
             |                                      |
Strongly Disagree <--- ---> Straight Agree

Alternate 4 corners
 -for learning colours, numbers or any vocabulary.

Summer                       Spring

I) Parents spoil children nowadays.

II) I had a great time in high school. I love it

Do you agree? Disagree? Strongly disagree? Straight agree?

Autumn                       Winter

Elbow Partners

Partner Introductions

- Where we live(you live)
- Something about our (your) family
- What do you hope to learn at the English class

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spelling and Pronunciation - Word chain game

1st person (teacher) spells a word
2nd person pronounces the word, then spells the next word for the 3rd person to pronounce and so on blouse, eagle, elephant, tea, apple, egg, garden, nose, elbow, window, wisdom, Monday, yard, door, rabbit, town, knife, eager, rain, number, rose, ear, shirt, tie, earrings, shoes, sandal, long sleeved shirt

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

PWIM - Picture Word Introduction Model

PWIM Goals:

- Increase vocabulary and sight words for reading, phonics and spelling
- Gain confidence (risk takers)
- Inquiry into language to use knowledge and skills to read, write and participate fully in education

PWIM Process:

1) Students study picture selected by teacher
2) Teacher labels as things are identified
3) Read and review ideas generated
4) Use a word chart to read sets of words (word families, parts of speech, categories)
5) Classify words according to properties
6) Develop titles, sentences and paragraphs about the picture 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

DOL - Daily Oral Language (activity)


Students should find mistakes from sentences.

For example:

Incorrect sentence: Mrs khairaa is teaches english class          (This sentence has 4 mistakes)

Correct sentence: Mrs. Khairaa is teaching english class.

Three Truths and a Lie (game)

Тоглоомын тайлбар:

Энэхүү тоглоомыг анги хамт олноороо танилын хүрээнд тоглох боломжтой.

Оролцогч өөрийн тухай 3 үнэн 1 худал өгүүлбэр зохиож бусдад хэлнэ.

Бусад нь аль нь үнэн аль нь худал болохыг олно.

Жишээ нь:

Хайраа багшийн хэлсэн 4 өгүүлбэрээс аль нь худал вэ???

1) I have a tattoo.
2) I can drive a car.
3) I'm a foreign language teacher.
4) My homeroom class is 10v.

Миний хэлсэн 4 өгүүлбэрээс 1) I have a tattoo гэсэн өгүүлбэр худал байлаа.

Just like me (game - make sentences)

1) Put chairs in circle

2) One person is in the middle

3) They say a characteristic (trait)

4) Who ever has the same trait must change seats

5) Person in the middle tries to get a seat

6) No seat goes to middle

Алга ташилт

1. Хурууны үзүүрээр алга ташихад бидний хараа сайжирдаг.

2. Алганы дунд хэсэг хүртэл ташвал зүрхэнд сайн.

3. Алгаараа бүтэн ташвал уушгинд сайн.

4. Бугуйгаараа ташвал давсаганд сайн.

5. Алганыхаа эсрэг талаар хооронд нь ташвал нүүрний арьсанд сайн байдаг юм байна.